Friday 10 December 2010


Period 1 & 2 - We ran through all of our finished scenes, adding in anything that needed to be changed or rehearsed. We added more slapstick humour to the frogs, and more interaction with the audience in the last scene, where all the animals have a party and invite the audience to come and dance with them, the audience are then requested to go back to their seats while the characters leave in the order that they came to bears house (Rosie Rabbit, Frankie & Freddie Frog, Mr Owl, Molly Mouse, followed by Bear at the very end.) they leave and each say goodbye, in a way that was similar to a childrens telivision show the Teletubbies (See video)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

They would go off, and at the end, reappear together, before then disappearing together.

We performed to the group our improved version of scene 5, wherein the animals take various Christmas themed things to Bears house. The improvements on the scene were, instead of using a cake that Frankie and Freddie both get pushed into, we decided not to use a cake, because of the mess it would create, which would be unpractical. We decided instead, to wrap up empty boxes to look like presents, and have Freddie appear, carrying one box, and Frankie appear with a pile of boxes that is higher than his entire body, he stumbles for a moment, while Freddie looks impatiently on, waiting for his brother, he then says "Frankie... can you hold this for me?" and places his present on the top of the pile, this causes the pile to become unbalenced and Frankie drops the entire load on the floor.

Our feedback for this lesson was to project more vocally, and keep in character.

Wednesday 1 December 2010


Period 1 - In this lesson we worked on our last scene of childrens play, wherein we decided to add a resolve, after each character brings Christmas to Bear, he realises that he is no longer alone and people do not think he is scary after all. He then promises never to cancel Christmas again and they enjoy Christmas together, we roughly blocked this scene, so it was not finished when it came to performance. We intent to include a song, and more audience involvement, as when we then performed it in period 4 we were told in feedback that we needed to work on it a lot more as it is missing a lot, we realised it needed more humour, audience interaction, music and the storline needed more to it, it also needed to be easier to understand for the younger children. We intend to add more personality to each character also in the following lessons.